Running water photography is a creative and rewarding genre that captures the beauty and dynamism of flowing water. To get started, you will need a camera, a tripod, and a remote shutter release. You will also need to find a suitable location with a stream, waterfall, fountain, or any other source of running water. The key to running water photography is to use a slow shutter speed to create a smooth and silky effect on the water. You can experiment with different shutter speeds, from 1/4 second to several seconds, depending on the speed and direction of the water flow. You will also need to adjust the aperture and ISO accordingly to achieve the correct exposure. A polarizing filter can help reduce reflections and enhance colors. You can also use a neutral density filter to reduce the amount of light entering the lens and allow for longer shutter speeds. Running water photography can be done in any weather and lighting conditions, but overcast days are ideal as they provide soft and even light. You can also try shooting at different times of the day, such as sunrise or sunset, to capture different moods and colors. Running water photography is a fun and challenging way to explore nature and express your artistic vision.
Outlines where to go in location to get great shots, which format (portrait or landscape) to use, and how to control the blur with shutter speed and other photo tools.  A short to-the-point article to get you started.
How to Effortlessly Photography Flowing Water
Kate Silva - Visual Wilderness
Emphasizes the right photo tools to get that perfect flowing water shot.  Kate Silvia explains how to use camera, tripod, and remote release to control the shutter speed to arrive at that smooth water in your photos.  
Describes a variety of blurs and how to get them. The article also address gear, composition, neutral density filters, and how to use manual mode to adjust shutter speed and aperture.  It has good ideas with a “keep practicing” motto.
Five Tips for Photographing Water
Digital Photography School DPS
Has an assortment of ideas for photographing water but they aren’t just for waterfalls or streams.  Getting your feet wet is a good addition
Has 20 great suggestions with a variety of really nice photos that begin with running water and then include other water images.
These last two articles are about photo gear: a new approach to ND filters and how to use your iPhone to take long exposures. 

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